Что случилось с ее губами? Ким Кардашьян шокировала поклонников своим видом (Фото)


Совсем недавно Ким Кардашьян появлялась на публике с совершенно нормальными губами, но вот в каком виде ее поймали недавно папарации, такое ощущение, что ее укусила пчела в губы и они раздулись, но скорее всего это просто последствия очередного укола.


Just lat week: The 35-year-old beauty appeared to have a smaller mouth as she left Epione on Thursday

No paint: The wife of Kanye West appeared to be completely makeup free as she drove her car out of the garage in Beverly Hills near Gunnar Petersons workout facility

Solo rider: The star had on a pair of large black sunglasses that completely hid her eyes and a black workout zip-up top. She was driving a white SUV and appeared to be alone
Oh mommy! Kim wore a low-cut black top that showed off her chest when she took her daughter out on Sunday

Daddy trails behind: Also along for the fun trip was rapper Kanye West


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