Кайли Дженнер обвинила Ким Кардашян в копировании своего стиля (Фото)


Не поймешь с этими сестрами, кто у кого из них что копирует, но такое ощущение, что все сестры Кардашян-Дженер одеваются в одни и те же наряды.Так что не удивительно, что Кайли обвинила свою старшую сестру Км в том, что она ворует у нее идеи в стили одеваться.


Same suit: Kylie and Kim also shared the same key-hole black bikini when they visited the Versace mansion in March 2014

Its a sister thing! The Keeping Up With The Kardashians co-stars were pictured walking hand-in-hand at the Budweiser Made In America festival in LA in late August

Not the first time: The youngest daughter of Bruce Jenner copied her big sisters belfie from October 2013Not the first time: The youngest daughter of Bruce Jenner copied her big sisters belfie from October 2013

Sheer you looks familiar: Kylie revealed shes learned a thing or two about style from her older sisterSheer you looks familiar: Kylie revealed shes learned a thing or two about style from her older sister

Clothing transformation: The people who really inspire me style-wise are obviously Kim and Kanye (pictured in November 2014)

Its intimidating to look good all the time: Kim has perfected her bandeau and high-waisted skirt ensemble over the years (pictured in December 2014)


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