Как выглядит мама «монстра» Леди Гаги (Фото)


Как и у любого человека у Леди Гаги есть мама, давайте посмотрим, ка выгляит мама «монстра».

Mommie dearest: Lady Gaga and her very own Mother Monster, Cynthia Cindy Germanotta, went for a stroll through their native Manhattan on WednesdayPower suits: Both the 29-year-old pop diva and her Born This Way Foundation co-founder sported platinum/white hair and business ensembles

Ankle-breakers: The six-time Grammy winner - rocking a black shoulder-padded pantsuit - gave her 5ft1in frame a major boost with 8in platform heels29F230D100000578-3138413-image-m-61_1435196155418

New York ladies who lunch: Cindy - who used to work in telecommunications - looked sophisticated in a white blazer, large pearl necklace, and black pencil skirt

Nothings changed! Nearly 20 years later, Lady Gaga literally went topless beneath a beige blazer to grab take-out from Famous Amadeus Pizza on Tuesday nightNothings changed! Nearly 20 years later, Lady Gaga literally went topless beneath a beige blazer to grab take-out from Famous Amadeus Pizza on Tuesday night


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