Когда вы в следующий раз решите позавидовать популярности и богатству 18-летней Кайли Дженнер вспомните эти ее фотографии (Фото)

В свои 18 лет Кайли Дженнер невероятно популярна и очень богата, но посмотрите внимательно во что превращает себя эта молодая девушка ради популярности. Посмотрите через сколько пластических операций она прошла и еще пройдет, посмотрите и задумайтесь, а стоит ли эта слава, того, что ее лицо в 18 лет выглядит так ужасно и стоит ли после этото завидовать ей или стоит ее пожалеть…

See the latest updates on Kylie Jenner and her cosmetic surgery procedures 

Too much too soon? Celebrity dermatologist Dr. Tabasum Mir believes Kylie Jenner has had Botox, peels, and plastic surgery on her hips and butt in addition to her lip injections. Kylie is pictured in 2010
Too much too soon? Celebrity dermatologist Dr. Tabasum Mir believes Kylie Jenner has had Botox, peels, and plastic surgery on her hips and butt in addition to her lip injections. Kylie is pictured in 2015

Too much too soon? Celebrity dermatologist Dr. Tabasum Mir believes Kylie Jenner has had plastic surgery on her hips and butt in addition to her lip injections. Kylie is pictured in 2010 (slide right) and 2015 (slide left)

Close attention to detail: Kylie highlighted her lips with a brown lipstick and lip liner, as a celebrity dermatologist insisted she has had numerous surgeries on her face

Close attention to detail: Kylie highlighted her lips with a brown lipstick and lip liner, as a celebrity dermatologist insisted she has had numerous surgeries on her face

Abs-fab: The 18-year-old revealed her role at the W Hotel, in a peekaboo monochrome dress
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