Надев очень короткий джинсовый сарафан Кэти Холмс засветила свою пятую точку (Фото)


Не понятно о чем думала Кэти Холмс надевая такой короткий сарафан, если ей потом приходилось постоянно его одергивать, чтобы лишний раз не светить свою попу. Хотя в реальности все не так страшно, ведь это все был лишь образ для нового фильма.

Daredevil denim: Katie Holmes got into character on the set of All We Had in Queens, New York on Tuesday, but she appeared to have a spot of bother with the super-short length of her denim mini dress


Lovely legs: Thanks to her enviably willowy frame, the actress - who is also directing the film - pulled off the tiny figure-hugging garment with relative ease

Fashion faux-pas: Katie really seemed to have a hard time keeping her costume in place on the set

Tug of war! As she stepped across the parking lot, the former Dawsons Creek star look set on covering her legs as she pulled on the denim

Time to rest: Katie took the weight off her weary feet as she sat at a tableWalking gaunt: The actress really went through quite a transformation to change her looks for the dramatic role including a shorter doWalking gaunt: The actress really went through quite a transformation to change her looks for the dramatic role including a shorter do


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