Не пугайтесь, именно так выглядит Селена Гомес без грима и укладки (Фото)


Именно так выглядела вчера 22 летняя Селена Гомес за несколько часов до выхода на красную дорожку. и Всего через несколько часов и после умелых рук ее помошников она стала как всегда прекрасна.


Quite a difference: Selena slipped into a little black playsuit with a fringed jacket over the top for the star-studded event on Monday evening

Low-key: She wore a black jumper and matching jeans as she left her hotel in New York the morning after and hid her eyes behind dark sunglasses

Elegant: Earlier that night, Selena missed Bieber on the red carpet by 20 minutes, when she arrived in a stunning bridal-inspired gown

Firm friends: Selena hung out with old gal pal Vanessa Hudgens inside the bash on Monday

Pretty as a picture: With her floral garland still on, the beauty looked exquisite in front of the cameras


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