Располневшая Леди Гага шокировала публику своим нарядом и боевой раскраской (Фото)


Весь образ леди гаги построен на том, чтобы шокировать публику. И каждый раз она находит новый способ заставить всех говорить о себе, на этот раз ее боевая раскраска и наряды говорят сами за себя.Ну и как в дополнении, чтобы окончательно добить всех, немножко выпивки на сцене…


Vegas girl! The 29-year-old took to the stage wearing a red halter-neck gown which had polka dots running throughout and showed off her curves

Glug: She appeared to enjoy a whisky mid-song during the performance, telling a story about dive bars before saluting the crowd with a stiff drink

Dont mind them! The singer paused her performance to swig from her glassLoving it: She seemed pretty pleased with herself, wearing a big smile as she entertained the crowds

Metallic marvel: She threw out a variety of shapes as she danced around the stageBrows about that: The singer sparkled with even her eyebrows covered in gems

Woop! The singing pair have become close on their Cheek To Cheek tour 

All change: After strutting her stuff in sparkling beads, she switched up her look into a flapper-inspired mini dressStand out look: Gaga teamed her tiered number with a fancy feathered headdress

What a gem! With no expense during the flapper girl and Vegas showgirl performance, an iridescent sequin pearl gown was teamed with embellished eyebrows

How much is too much? She topped off her look with oversized diamond earrings


Источник: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3097558/Lady-Gaga-goes-braless-racy-red-halter-dress-stage-


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