Вы ни за что не догадаетесь у кого на плече устроилась Селена Гомес (Фото)


Селена Гомес, 23, и Бруклин Бекхэм, 16, присутствовали на показе Поло Ральф Лорен на Нью-Йоркской Неделе моды в Маккиттрик отеле американской столицы. Пара по-видимому, разделяет сильную связь, позируя перед фотографом и они мило улыбнулись, Бруклин обнял Селену за плечи, а Селена положила голову на его плечо.


 Bright young things: Selena, 23, and Brooklyn, 16, put on a fashionable display at the highly-anticipated show

Couldnt hide his happiness: The eldest son of Victoria and David Beckham looked chuffed to be in the singers company 

New York Fashion Week nailed: Selena opted for a black leather playsuit while Brooklyn sported a trendy jeans-T-shirt-and-denim-jacket combo 

Hes done this before: The teenager appeared to be morphing into quite the professional poser as he did his best Blue Steel 

The envy of 16-year-olds everywhere: The American-British duo appeared to share a strong bond

Leggy in leather: The former girlfriend of Justin Bieber put her slim pins on parade in a thigh-skimming leather playsuit 

Calling it a night: Selena was spotted exiting the show on her own



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