Зря Бритни Спирс надела платье с таким откровенным декольте (Фото)


Бритни Спирс решила всем доказать, что ее борьба с лишними килограммами идет с успехом именно поэтому она может себе позволить носить такие платья. Только одно не учла Бритни, что надевая платья с таким откровенным декольте и грудь твоя должна быть идеальной формы, чего мы не можем сказать о ее груди.


Hope to dye: For the night that was in it the singers long blonde hair was tipped with blue and purple dyeHope to dye: For the night that was in it the singers long blonde hair was tipped with blue and purple dye

Hi-oh silver: She she finished off her outfit with a pair of silver heels

Hope you brought a roofrack: On the night Britney was also up for Choice Song: Female artist along with Iggy Azalea for their duet, Pretty Girls, and Best Collaboration for the same songHope you brought a roofrack: On the night Britney was also up for Choice Song: Female artist along with Iggy Azalea for their duet, Pretty Girls, and Best Collaboration for the same song

Meh: The song was actually pretty poorly received, charting at a disappointing 29 for such a highly hyped tune

Blame game: Britney and Iggy had a thinly veiled Twitter feud after their song underperformed

Strutting her stuff: Britney showed off her shapely pins in silver heels as she left the venue with her sons



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